eyyyyyyy I finally decided to start using this place again. I’m hoping that with my new commitment to a regular posting schedule on Instagram, where I am most active, I will also be able to get myself to post here as well. My plan currently is to post a sketch on Instagram on Mondays accompanied by a post on here. Fridays will just be finished piever. The posts on here will be pretty identical to my Instagram posts most likely (unless it’s a writing piece, obviously), but I’ll also be talking about my creative process with them or the characters and stuff in them because I love doing that and Instagram has character limits for posts so Uh. Yeah. It’ll probably just be me mostly complaining about how flipping hard some aspect of it was to draw if I’m being completely honest, but eh, who cares. No one comes on here enough to tell me to stop. 😈
Anyway! This week’s post is of some art I made a while back of a friend’s character, Leaf! He is a mushroom person and I absolutely adore him.

[image description: a picture of a round mushroom person named Leaf waving at the “camera” with a pale sort of neon green as the background. The mushroom stalk—which hold his head, arms , and legs— is Grey-ish tan. The cap of the mushroom is tall and wide with purple and light green stripes. end image description]

[image description: a digital art piece of Leaf sleeping. Leaf is lying on their left side and smiling while their eyes are closed, almost as if they are having very good dreams. His upper arm and leg drape over Leaf’s chest and leg respectively. The background color is exactly the same. End image description]
[image description: a digital art drawing of Leaf holding a white sign up. The sign reads “you are worthy of love and good things no matter what” with the <3 version of the heart emoji following it. The background color is still exactly the same. end image description]
Anyway. This is Leaf! He looks cool. He was designed and made by a friend of mine on Instagram and their account name is @zouphon. Go check them out! Go give them some love! If you’re on here you probably care enough about my opinion and artwork that you’d do that so like..... please do that.
welp, that’s all I have to say for today. Hope you enjoyed this post if you’re reading this and hopefully this time I do actually keep my promise to keep posting on here. Goodbye for now, and i wish you all the luck in the stars!
- Reynie/ Theta