Hello my voidlings, I’ve posted again! Consistency! Sort of.
Anyway, I am a fan of Hermitcraft, and even though this arc of the story is long since over, the Boatem Arc is very much my favorite part of the Hermitcraft experience. So, I decided to do some art of them! It took me four months to complete (for a number of reasons), but it’s still pretty cool! Hope anyone who still keeps track of this old place enjoys it :)

[Image Description: A digital drawing of a mock Polaroid photograph of the Boatem Pole Crew from Hermitcraft Season 8, sitting on a table. Boatem consists of five people with a forest behind them, MumboJumbo and PearlescentMoon in the back, ImpulseSv and Grian in the middle row at the edge of the frame, and GoodTimesWithScar in the front, holding his cat, Jellie, in his arms. Mumbo is the tallest, with green eyes, pale skin, and a suit. He has a mustache, and his short, disheveled black hair has little plants growing out of it. Pearl is second tallest, with long brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She’s wearing a black beanie, grey shirt, and blue sweater. Impulse and Grian are only a few centimeters apart, and Scar is several centimeters shorter than Grian despite clearly using something to boost him and his wheelchair into the photo frame. Impulse is just in front of Mumbo, wearing a black T-shirt with a yellow ‘i’ in the middle and a yellow neck scarf, holding his goggles up and out of his face and out of his eyes. Grian, meanwhile, stands in front of Pearl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a very nice red sweater. Grian is clutching the Ender Dragon egg in one arm, and holding a peace sign with the other. His red and yellow wings are carefully arranged to not block the other Boatem members. Scar is positioned firmly in the middle of everyone, dressed better than perhaps even Mumbo with a maroon suit and large top hat with steampunk themed goggle, all on top of his chin length brown hair. His cat, Jellie, is a white, grey, and dark grey fluffy cat who seems to be smiling just as much as everyone else in the photo. End of Image Description] A lot of my design for Mumbo Jumbo was actually based off of Worm’s (@worm_of_sorts on instagram), but I largely tried to match the designs to their Minecraft skins as well as a bit of their actual appearances. I kinda like how they turned out but I definitely plan on changing them a bit as time goes on and stuff.
Anyway. Thats all for now, but if you‘re reading this, take care of yourself. Get food, drink water, stretch, go to bed, whatever you need to do. You deserve it. I wish you all the luck in the stars.