Sigmaverse Art

About Me
Hello there! My name is Reynie, but I often go by either Theta or my pen-name: Thayer A. Serrenn. My pronouns are he/him and they/them. I'm an aspiring aroace artist and novelist with a number of mental illnesses who plans to be a plant geneticist some day. I tend to write a lot about either Aromanticism and its relationship with amatanormativity, trauma and recovery, or both. Most of the art on here will be of characters from that writing.
About the Sigmaverse, and other FAQ
What's the Sigmaverse?
The Sigmaverse is what my younger brother has affectionately dubbed the ficitonal corner of the multiverse that my stories all take place in. It comes from my old pen-name turned less-confusing-nickname Theta Sigma.
How are things organized on here?
I have things for the most part organized by what they are. Writing goes under the writing category, art goes under the art category, and cosplay and life stories go under Other Stuff. I also have my art and writing organized by what book series they are from, so for example: if you are looking for Cykadian Chronicles art and writing, it would be under the Cykadian Chronicles category. Hope that helps!
Do you have any other social media I can follow you on?
Yes! Here is my link tree: https://linktr.ee/ThetaSigma. However, I feel I should warn I don't really go as in depth into my writing and art on those as I do here. The only exception would be on WorldAnvil.
Can you explain x part of your identity/experience for me? I'm confused.
No offense, but it's pretty exhausting explaining every facet of myself every five seconds so please either google it. If you still don't understand, you can message me on another platform. Depending on how emotionally taxxing it is or how I'm feeling, I might answer. Please use that as a last resort though, google really is your best friend.