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So, I Took An Introduction to Drawing Class in College....

Writer: Thayer A. SerrennThayer A. Serrenn

But, outside of my irl life getting a modern reboot like an old cartoon, I have brought art. Art from the introduction to drawing class I took in fall semester. It's not all of it, but it's all the stuff I plan on posting on the internet in one easy to find post bc the only other place I can do that is tumblr and I'm not feeling tumblr right now.

Anyway, on to the Art!!! Enjoy, my children!


[Image Description: A picture of three drawings of a simple rectangular box in terra cotta orange coloured pencil.One box is lightly drawn and shows only two sides of the box, the long side and the top. The second and third boxes are drawn a little more firmly and show three sides of the box instead of just two. The second drawing is more clumsy, with the sides slanted too hard to the right, several erased lines that are still faintly visible around the box, and one line that conflicts with one of the slanted lines on the sides of the box. The third box is the most accurate and proportional perspective wise. Some of the lines for the sides are slanted to far inwards near the bottom, giving the illusion that the box gets smaller and narrower towards the bottom of it. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple, rectangular box drawn with terra cotta orange coloured pencil. This drawing is shaded, properly proportioned, and is fairly accurate perspective wise. The lightest side of the box is the top side, with the two sides of the box being shaded and casting a shadow onto the imaginary floor it sits on. The darkest side of the box is the side closest to the front, with a shorter, but darker shadow that elongates and gets lighter when the shadow approaches the lighter shaded side of the box. There is a light background shading surrounding the box as well, representing no cast shadow, but instead meant to add to the background and composition of the drawing. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a drawing of two boxes, one on top of the other, using terracotta orange and black coloured pencils. The box on the bottom is large and more square shaped, with the box on the top is smaller, thinner, and more rectangular. Both boxes are at an angle, but the box on top is tilted at more of a diagonal angle than the bottom one. The top side of the top box as well as part of the top side of the bottom box are the lightest sides, with no shading. The smaller of the two sides of the top box is shaded very lightly only in one corner, but is otherwise similarly unshadowed. The largest and longest side of the top box as well as a small bit of the top of the bottom box and the two sides of the bottom box are all shaded and in shadow, casting one directly in front of the box at a slight diagonal angle. The largest side of the bottom box is shaded far lighter in comparison to the other sides however, with only orange colored pencil that is faded as you get to the far edge of the box. All other shaded sides use black and orange coloured pencil in the shading, the black coloured pencil representing darker shadows. There is background shading to this drawing as well near the tops of the boxes, shaded similarly to the boxes with black and orange, the darker colors representing darker spot closer to the drawing and fading to lighter colours as it trails away from the drawing. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple drawing of a shaded cylinder made with terracotta orange coloured pencil. The light is coming from the left of the cylinder, casting shadows inside the cylinder as well as to the right side of the cylinder. The rest of the shading is solely done with the orange coloured pencil and is fairly accurate. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple drawing of a shaded cylinder made with terracotta orange coloured pencil. The light is coming from the left of the cylinder, casting shadows inside the cylinder as well as to the right side of the cylinder. The rest of the shading is solely done with the orange coloured pencil and is fairly accurate. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a drawing of three shaded geometric shapes (a box, a sphere, and a cone) made with black and terracotta orange colored pencil. The sphere sits on top of the box, and the cone is partially hidden behind the box. The light source comes from the right of the objects, casting shadows from all three objects to the left of them. The shading is mostly done In orange, with lighter and darker shading marks to represent how much shadow there is. The sphere’s shading and some of the shadows from the box have black coloured pencil as well, representing darker shading in those areas. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a drawing of three shaded geometric shapes: a box, a sphere, and a cone. The sphere is on top of the box, and the cone is hidden slightly behind the box. The drawing was made solely with brown coloured pencil, and the shading reflects it using darker and lighter brown to represent lighter and darker shadows. The light source comes from the right of the objects, sending the cast shadow to the right of the objects. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a drawing of three geometric shapes that have been shaded in accordance to a light source coming from the bottom right of the drawing. The shapes consist of a rectangular box with a sphere sitting on the top middle of the box's lid, and a triangular cone that rests on the ground behind and the box, which was been angled so that the back side goes diagonally towards the upper right corner of the drawing. The drawing was primarily done in terracotta orange colored pencil, however, brown, white, and black colored pencils were used to create more dynamic and realistic shading on the objects, particularly the cast shadow of the box. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a drawing of simple geometric shapes made with conte crayon. It utilizes primarily terracotta orange conte crayon as well as black, white, and red-brown conte crayon. The geometric forms used are a rectangular box at an angle with a sphere sitting on top of it, and a circular cylinder tube sitting just in front and to the right of the box. All objects are shaded fully, with cast shadows (light coming from bottom left) and background shadow to fill the empty space. This shading is primarily behind the box and sphere. Due to colors and style, both objects look as though they are on fire. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a half-completed, simple composition piece done with terracotta orange conte crayon. There are several every day objects mixed with geometric forms on the paper. There are two rectangular boxes, angled in opposite directions and carrying an upright bowl on the top, a bowl stacked inside another bowl just in front and to the right of the boxes and instructing the view of a simple rounded jug similar to one people round keep olive oil in, and a few random bowls scattered around the space in front of the boxes and other objects. One bowl is upside down, and a still visible shadow of a cylinder that had been drawn there. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a conte crayon composition of a table scene. There are four peaches scattered around the table, with a teapot and a mug in the middle of the frame. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple pencil drawing of a box using one point perspective that shows two sides of the box and the top. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple pencil drawing of a room using one point perspective. THe room has a large window on the right side wall and a tiled floor. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple pencil drawing of a box using two point perspective and only showing two faces of the box. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple pencil drawing of another box using two point perspective and showing two sides and the top of the box. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple, charcoal drawing practice of a fully shaded sphere. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a simple, charcoal drawing practice of two round, geometric shapes that have been fully shaded. There is a cylinder in the top left corner, and a sphere in the bottom right. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a scale study in charcoal of a singular airpod and a corner of the airpod case. End of Image Description.]

[Image Description: A picture of a charcoal portrait study of a man with a mustache who looks like the bastard child of Colonel Sanders of the kentucky fried chicken and Colonel Mustard of the game of clue. He has short hair and is balding, but he has an impressive mustache and wears a suit. He looks down on you as though he is disgusted by you and everything around him. His expression is reminiscent of one who desires to end your life and then speak to your manager. End of Image Description.]


I am not sure it shows here, or even if I'm fully proud of the stuff I've decided to share on here, but I think I definitely learned a lot in this class. I'll be 100% honest here, I legitimately only took that class for help with linear perspective and backgrounds-- something I have always struggled with, and can be seen just from scrolling through this blog. And like. I definitely did, and it turns out I'm really good at two point perspective! It was a lot easier than one point perspective for me for some reason, but hey, I'm certainly not complaining.

I think though, that the thing I learned more about (and was definitely not expecting) was shading! I've been very much implementing the stuff I learned into my style (mainly my digital works, bc I'm still figuring out markers and blending :'(((( ).

This class was also a lot different from how I'd imagined a college level art class to be based off what I've heard and the few times I've experienced things that were close to "proper" art classes. Don't get me wrong, it was very much "Ok here's this skill/style/ thing you need to learn and then replicate for me and only using this medium," but it.... wasn't that terrible? At least until we got to the portrait study portion, and I honestly think that's more because of the fact that it's realism. My style has elements of realism, yeah, but it's primarily based heavily off anime/manga/cartoons/other similar digital art styles. Not to mention, realism is hard. It's a struggle. I hate it. So much.

But yeah, I liked the class for the most part, I might take some similar drawing classes in the future after my crafting/metalsmithing class is done. :)

Anyway, I gotta go be social and stuff around family I'll catch you guys the next time I post. Hopefully it's next week, but idk. In the meantime, I wish you all the luck in the stars, and remember: you are always worthy of good things no matter what.

- Reynie/ Theta

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