So I recently got a Virgil shirt, and my brother suggested I wear it to Co-op with full Virgil makeup. As my mother is not letting me leave the house with it on, I'm putting a picture of it here for future reference. Please note I'm not experienced in putting on makeup and it's likely horrible and I'm sorry.

[Image description: a picture of me in a closet Virgil Sanders cosplay. I am a very pale white male, with dark brown eyes, freckles, and very messy sort of pinkish short hair. Black eye shadow is messily and heavily applied under my eyes, giving the appearance of very dramatic eye bags. I am wearing a black shirt with a the top part of the Virgil Storm cloud visible in addition to a plaid flannel hooded sweater that is red and blue. My expression is neutral as I stare down at the camera. My background is a purple wall. End of Image Description.]