I’ve been doing quite a lot of digital art recently and I think I’ve really been improving with it? I’ve definitely been trying out some cool stuff with different brushes to make different effects and stuff. The one thing I’m super proud of currently I cannot (sadly) show you because it has not been released on Instagram yet and probably won’t for at least a couple of weeks. But! I can show you some pieces I have now that I think are pretty darn cool!

[Image Description: An image of a digital art drawing of a humanoid on an orange background. The humanoid has pale skin, red-orange hair pulled into a ponytail with a green scrunchy. They have two different eyes: one black and dead, the other black with a white pupil. They are wearing an orange crop top over a black tank top, brown dress pants with suspenders, and black and white saddle shoes. The humanoid is making a peace sign and smiling like the emoticon :3. End of Image Description.]
This is TomatoKid, or TK. They’re the OC of one of my friends, who, if you somehow don’t know me off instagram, is @HarvsDraws on there. He’s a cool dude, and so is his character! I actually have a mini novella sort of thing that I wrote which features a little bit of TK, but only near the end. You can read it here and here if you want and haven’t already. They’re a pretty cool person. They’re basically a sapient tomato plant person made from a nuclear explosion, and they’re actually really big on the post-apocalyptic version of YouTube for being a prankster. It’s pretty cool. You can also in general read more about them on the Coronasona Wiki page!

[Image Description: An image of a digital art piece of two teenagers on a dark blue background. Both teenagers are on their knees and hugging. One boy is sitting on his knees and sobbing unconsolably as though the end of the world is happening. He has blond-brown hair, glasses, and is wearing a denim jacket, jeans, and teal converses. He is clinging onto the other teenager tightly. The other teenager is standing on top of his knees and holding onto the other in his arms with a sad, forlorn look on his face. This boy has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a black hat backwards, with a red and black flannel and black jeans. In swirling letters on both sides of the boys are a set of song lyrics in black letters. They read "We Weren't Fools-- We Just Have Nothing to Loose." End of Image Description.]
Angsty Art because Angst is my specialty. Looking back on it, I don’t like a lot of it, BUT! I am pretty proud of some of the anatomy stuff I did in it, because I struggled with that so much. I also like the song lyrics I did, because I think they really fit the scene I did. For anyone wondering, this is fanart of an AU an old acquaintance of mine made of Sanders Sides. It was called A Dark Place, and it’s by @kascosplays on Instagram.

[Image description] A digital art piece of a grey skinned person with wide, blank black void eyes that are leaking black tears. The person has dark blue hair that’s almost indistinguishable from black and pale grey-blue pointy ears that look like half of a fairy wing and stick up on the head like horns. The person is wearing a black hoodie over a dark grey turtleneck [end image description]
I kinda wanted to put this here because it’s pretty important to me. It’s not technically anything special, just a Design sort of thing I made whilst heavily dissociated, but it’s gonna be my avatar and persona in a lot of places. It‘s very spooky and I like that about it. Very much both my vibes and cryptid vibes.

[Image Description: A drawing of an alien girl leaning out of a school bus window and waving. She has white skin with a blueish tint to it and teal freckles peppering her legs and arms. The alien girl is smiling widely, to reveal a mouth full of sharp white teeth and a teal mouth. She has a row of black spikes on her shoulders and on her head and sharp nails she’s using to hold on to the top of the school bus with one hand. She has black hair with silvery and teal endings, and said hair is streaming out behind her in the wind. Spikes is wearing a pair of goggles that hide her eyes, a pair of black fingerless biker gloves, a black choker with a teal pendant, ripped dark blue denim shorts, and a sort of crop to with a Dark teal and white checkered pattern with an upside down smiley face that’s the same shade of teal as her necklace pendant.
The school bus the alien girl is holding on to send to be in decent condition, however the name of the school it used to belong to has Ben spray painted over with blue paint. Behind the bus on the side of the road that the bus is driving on is a forest of birch trees through which you can see the grey and cloudy sky. End of Image Description.]
This one gave me so much trouble but it was so worth it because it made me do a lot of new things I hadn’t done before. Namely: backgrounds and trying out different brushes. Yeah. It’s definitely scuffed in places, but I still like it and think it’s pretty cool. 10/10 would do again if you asked. The character in this is another Coronasona, by the way! her name is Spikes, and she’s owned by my friend Ollie (@olliepaj.arts on Instagram), and she is very cool. You can read more about her on the Coronasona Wiki (No I will not stop plugging our wiki we put so much work into world building and characters and dynamics I will forcefully make sure you appreciate it).

[Image Description: A finished, traditional artwork drawing of two people, Grey (left) and Cafftopus (right), sitting across from each other and playing a card game. Grey is a masculine looking person with brown skin, short purple tentacles for hair that mostly stick straight up on his head. He has pointy ears and three red eyes, one of which is a half crescent underneath his left eye and a black stripe across the right side of his face that is barely visible. Grey is wearing a grey dress shirt, a red waistcoat, black and red striped dress pants, and grey dress shoes. Cafftopus is paler and more androgynous looking, with long blue tentacles for hair that have been pulled back into a ponytail, pointy ears, and purple eyes with snake like pupils. Cafftopus is wearing a green shirt sleeved shirt over a black and white striped undershirt, grey-blue jeans, light brown boots, and brown goggles with green tinted lenses that sit on top of his head. Both are sitting cross legged on the ground, holding cards in their hands and are staring at them intently. Cafftopus is smiling a little, while Grey looks focused and intense. There is no background. Above their heads are cartoonish dialogue boxes that go as follows:
Cafftopus: Hey Grey? When do you think we’re gonna get out of this elevator?
Grey: Hell if I know, whenever they realize we’re gone and care enough to look.
Cafftopus: guess we’ll be here for a while then. Got any green threes?
Grey: Nautilus, this is poker.
Cafftopus: Sorry. The Uno cards keep tripping me up.
Grey: I KNEW we should’ve used one set of cards.
Elevator Card Game Bros! The one on the left is my friend Harvey’s character, Grey the Horrible. The one on my right is my character, Nautilus (aka Cafftopus or Caff). They’re both Coronasonas, and teeeechnically they don’t have that much canonical interaction but they have similar-ish backstories and I’ve always headcannoned that they were low-key pretty good friends who bonded over similar traumas. But yeah. They got stuck in a weird elevator in this and tried to play poker with Uno cards. It’s funny. Again: Caff and Grey both have wiki pages! Check ‘em out, if you want!

[Image Description: An image of a digital art piece of a head shot of humanoid person with dark skin, short purple tentacle hair, and three red eyes. The person's eyes are positioned like a normal human's, with the third underneath the right one like a little crescent moon. There is a black stripe going through his left eye. The person has pointed ears and is smiling. They are wearing a grey dress shirt a maroon waistcoat.
Look I love drawing Grey, ok? Man has a very cool design, as do all of Harvey’s characters if I’m being honest.

[Image description: a digital art piece of Remus Sanders from the shoulders up. Remus is a white male with short brown hair with a grey streak in the front. He has a curly mustache and is wearing dark makeup around his dark brown eyes eyes. He’s got a slightly mischievous and evil looking grin on his face. Remus is wearing a black regal outfit with green puffy sleeves beginning at the shoulders and a flower with an eye for a center on his left shoulder (from viewer POV). The art is on a white background. End Image Description]
I drew Remus from Sanders Sides because.... I felt like it and he’s got a clothing design that makes me cry. I started messing more with brushes with this one, because it Remus Design Improvement. I didn’t use a sketch as a base for this though! I used a picture I found, and it seems cool.

[Image Description:
A digital art piece of a humanoid creature on a grey background. The creature has black skin and dark gray, fluffy hair with green tips on the front bits. He has two sets of horns on his head— a smaller set and larger set, both of which look like stereotypical Devil’s horns— and a pair of ears that look a little like a cross between stereotypical elf ear and a goat’s ear. The creature has large green eyes, the ‘whites’ of which are an almost neon shade of green. There are neon green crescent-like shapes under their eyes, and they are smiling almost mischievously at the camera with a mouth that looks like a closed jack’o’lantern’s. They are wearing a creamy white dress shirt under a fancy red jacket with gold lining on the seams. Their clothes stop by their right (from the viewer POV) shoulder, where a steampunk-esq looking prosthetic arm begins. The arm looks golden colored, with three strange looking eyes on them. The eyes are teal, with green surrounding the slitted pupils. The creature is leaning against some sort of wooden table or wall, their elbows resting on the surface of it and hands folded underneath their chin for support. There is a gold ring on the pinky finger of their non-prosthetic hand. End of Image Description.]
This was for a DTIYS on instagram! It’s Dream SMP fanart: specifically for Ran from an episode from the Tales from The SMP. I definitely love it, and I’m salty Instagram nerfed the quality of it. But it’s fine, really. I’m totally not still upset about that at all. *Strained smile*
That’s all for this post. Hope whoever actually reads my blog liked this. You’re pretty cool, and I wish you all of the luck in the stars.
see you next post!
Reynie/ Theta