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Stabby-Stabs, Swordy-Swords, and Ghosty-Ghosts: Summer Camp Out of Context Quotes

Writer: Thayer A. SerrennThayer A. Serrenn

For the past two weeks, I've been going to Shakespeare camp. Like I always do. This year, I did Julius Caesar, the murder play! T'was very fun, and I had lots of laughs. I also filled my script with sketches, which I will be posting later. Hopefully. We'll see how my memory is holding up. xD

Anywho, this year, I was without my good friend, who has always gone to Shakespeare Camp with me. Being a very sad and sentimental person, I decided to carry on one of her traditions so it'd be like she was there, in a way. This tradition? Making a list of Out of Context quotes. Fair warning, these get very weird and kind of violent. If you're sensitive to murder-y stuff, stabbing, and stuff like that, you might not want to read too much of this list. Or any of it, really. 

The Out of Context Quotes:

-There should be a scream. That would be a bad idea. 

- You wanna slap me? I wanna be slapped

- We were very violent ferrets

- Mad props to Brian's corpse

- Is it my turn to maim?

-Make sure you die comfortably!

- Only in theater do you learn to die comfortably

- And then we go stabby-stab

- Dead bodies, you are released

- 'I'm sorry I burned your house.' 'It's ok.'

- Should I continue killing Eleanor?

- Stabby-stabs..... And more stabby-stabs... Yeah, good!

- 'So what was different this time?' 'He actually tried to kill Caesar this time.'

- Dead bodies, you're doing good. 

- 'Should I die again?' 'Nah, you're good.'

- What kind of people are you? You teach us combat, and you won't let us kill people!

- And now I shall fall…….. asleep. 

- There's some ranch on my shoe. It be like that sometimes.

- Did you say 'There's some rich on my shoes'?

- If i can die with 'Thus I die' as my last words, I will be a happy camper. 

- After 15 years of dying, this is the first time I've been told to die comfortably. 

- You look like you went to the yoga store to get blankets

- My favorite past time: listening to the screams of children.

- Calvin, did you just get angry with that water bottle?

- Levi, you forgot your match. 

- Myself is gathered

- Ah, yes, today I want to get stabbed

- It's the apocalypse, and you want to go to the senate????

- When you're dead, you cannot move your hand

- It looks more like we're carrying potatoes than this dead man we like

- Let's kill this Caesar salad!

- 'They shout for joy!' *scream of terror*

- Nancy Plosi stabbed somebody. This is where she stabbed somebody.

-The senate stabbed a president. 

-Brian, you're dead, be dead. 

- 'I just pulled a hair out of my mouth.' 'Pass it on, it's what he liked most about today.'

- It's hard to do a bro hug with a sword in your hand

- This is the play of scarves

- I present you with this wreath of victory….. this burger King crown - Let's ruin our voices! - Dead bodies, come on out - I'm dead again - I look forward to seeing you die! - We're missing a dead body! - I forgot I was supposed to die - I never thought I'd have to say 'Murdo, stop stepping on Brian!' - Oh my god, the dead body is alive! - Well I mean, it's kind of hard to hide three broken bones - "I just killed a guy." "YEAH!!!" - You got Pathos on my shirt - Pathos, pathos, pathos….. MAKE THEM WEEP - You'll be the Oprah of pathos - "9 is after 8." "Wait, is it??????" - "My friends, is that a safe choice?" "Yes" "Noooooo, choking a friend is never a safe choice." - Oh my goodness, Nancy Pelosi stabbed another celebrity - He was a friend…….. HE WAS A FRIEND! - "Thank you for being dead." "Yes, thank you dead body." - I feel like I'm seeing Beevus come to life - I ran into that train - You ran into the death train - *cough* mew - Wait did you just call him pulled pork - It's an endless cycle of racoons and shots and homelessness - Good job dying all of you - "Any last words?" "Nah." - My family’s gonna see me die. YEAH 

I swear these actually make sense and aren't that concerning when you add context. Either way, i hope you get a laugh out of them. :)

-Theta/TAS/Reynie/being with no name

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