It's the Seven Sisters of Cycadia! Or, since the seventh one vanished into nowhere, the six sisters! But here are the Six that matter! In age order!!!

[Image Description: An image of a scanned traditional drawing made with black inking pens and coloured pencils. The drawing consists of a girl with short but shaggy white hair that swoops up around their head. There is a gold circlet around their forehead as well. They are fairly tall, with pale white skin, purple eyes, and a sharp nose. They are smiling a little. The person is wearing a purple and blue tunic as well as billowing grey pants and brown shoes. The sleeves and shoulders of the tunic are purple, and have a section cut out by the chest. The rest of the tunic is blue. One of the person's hands hangs by their side. The other one is held out, palm outstretched and flattened out, hovering a little over a blue ice spike. There is a barely visible penciled in speech bubble that reads "Watch out for stalagmites. They really bite." End of Image description.]
This right here is Myleria Cyrin (my-LEER-EYE-ah SIGH-rin), the creator of Ice Elementals. She's the oldest of the sisters and very fond of the magic of hair gel.

[Image Description: An picture of a scanned traditional drawing made with coloured pencils and black inking pens. The drawing is of a large girl with dark skin, dark eyes, and long thick curly brown hair. Her hair is styled into an elaborate bun and then a braid, which hangs over her shoulder. She is wearing a golden circlet on her forehead as well, with little bits curling below her eyes and a red gem in the center. The girl is wearing a red and black sleeveless dress that goes down to the middle of her knees. The dress has a tall black collar that meets at the top of her chest with a purple crystal button. There are darker red curved stripes near the top of the bodice of the dress that start at the sleeve-cut off and stop half way on her chest. The skirt has two layers. The top layer is made of black fabric and does not fully surround her waist and instead opens in the front. The black skirt layer has three red stripes going around it that connect to purple chains that join the fabric around the bodice of the skirt. The under skirt is a full skirt with no slits or openings. It is made of maroon fabric. The girl is wearing short tan boots and is standing with her feet apart and a cocky smile on her face. Her hands are raised and held into fists that are completely surrounded by fireballs, obscuring her hands entirely. The background is all white, and in faded pencil is a speech bubble that reads "Better watch out for MYNDER THE FABULOUS!" End of Image description.]
Now we have Mynder Cyrin (MINE-dur SIGH-rin), the creator of the Fire Elementals. She's a fashionista with a big heart and a quick temper. You've been warned. In a twist you wouldn't expect, Mynder and Myleria are actually very close to each other and get along quite well. In fact, they're both typically partners in crime and as a result, Fire and Ice Elementals have grown very high on the influence level in Cykadian society.

[Image Description: An image of a scanned traditional drawing made with pencil, black inking pen, and coloured pencils. The drawing is of a short girl with dark skin, dark eyes, and long curly black hair. Her hair is tied into a complicated braided bun on the back of her head and tumbles over her shoulders. She also has short bangs that get in her face a little bit. The girl has a serene but spacey smile on her face as she stares straight in front of her. She is wearing a dress with a black bodice, a tall blue collar, blue sleeves, and a blue skirt that goes down to her knees. The girl is also wearing a pair of tall, lace up brown boots, and she is standing in a puddle of water. There are no speech bubbles coming from her, but below her is her name and a pronunciation guide. End of Image description.]
Here's the middle sibling in the Cyrin family, Silinvia (sill-inn-VYE-uh). She's the creator of the Water Elementals and she's kind of a space case. But hey, she's got awesome hair styling abilities and is way more patient than her other siblings, so she's always been a pretty good mediator!

[Image Description: An image of a scanned traditional drawing made with black inking pens and coloured pencils. The drawing consists of two identical girls holding hands on a white background. Both girls have curly red hair, tan skin, green eyes, and sharp noses with freckles and matching mischievous grins. The girl on the left (From viewer pov) wears her hair straight down, and is wearing a maroon tunic with a green collar and a trim surrounding the buttons going down it. She is also wearing orange leggings and green boots. The one on the right (from viewer pov) wears her hair in a high ponytail and wears a similar maroon tunic, but the trim and collar are orange. She has green leggings and orange boots, as well as a black cape that hangs off of her shoulders. Surrounding both girl's hands is a bunch of lightning and some small dark storm clouds. Both girls are looking at each other, and two faded speech bubbles made in pencil can be seen coming from their mouths. The non-caped girl says "Ready?" and the other girl responds with an affirmative "Ready." End of Image Description.]
Aaaaaand now we have the twins! Anyran (uh-NIGH-ran) and Astyrian (as-TYE-ree-ann) are like Fred and George Weasley merged with Loki and also the creators of the Storm Elementals. They're rather nice people, fundamentally, just really dang mischievous and low-key setting the stage to make absolute fools of everyone. They're actually probably the only ones who come to the defense of Merlaya? I don't think that outside of trying to be the mediator, Silinvia did much to help Merlaya clear her name. Anywho. That's these guys.

[Image Description: An image of a scanned traditional drawing made with inking pens, coloured pencils, and gel pens. The drawing consists of a teenage girl on a white background. She has tan skin, freckles, heterochromatic blue and grey eyes, and a sharp nose. She has long curly brown hair, as well as four thin white streaks of hair that have been braided and hang around her shoulders. A small silver and gold crown sits on top of her head. She is wearing a dark purple tail coat with a pink clasp and pink embroidered designs along the edges. There is a maroon sash tied around her waist with a dark red gem in a silver casing. She is also wearing black pants that are tucked into her short, ankle-height brown boots. One of the girl's hands hangs by her side, while the other is held up by her shoulder. Silver and grey mist spills from her hand and flows into a large model of the planet Neptune and the moons surrounding it. End of Image Description.]
Here we have Merlaya (mer-LIE-uh), the youngest of the six and the creator of the Mist Elementals. She might have been the youngest, but she was also the wisest and a pretty great ruler. She was the Queen of Cykadia for a long time, until she got accused of killing the lost seventh sister and things got a bit hectic. Needless to say she didn't and was later cleared of that suspicion, but that still didn't stop a legacy of Mist Elemental - hate from causing a boat load of oppression and hurt for everyone. Fun times.
Art Supplies: Crayola coloured pencils, BIC 0.5mm mechanical pencils, IKEA gel pens, and inking pens.
I think i should also probably credit the designers on pinterest who inspired some of the Sister's outfits? I believe their names were violetky on deviant art, Azure Admiral on something else, Scarlett-Knight also from deviant art and their art just got posted on pinterest or something like that? Anyway. Their stuff helped me figure out Myleria, Mynder, and Merlaya's clothing a bit (Or rather, a lot in the case of Mynder oops). I changed their designs and stuff around a fair bit so it's probably not recognizable, so I hope that doesn't qualify as stealing their designs? I really hope it doesn't and if it does I am really sorry violetky and others, please accept my apologies I will delete all this.
Anyway. These are six of the Seven Sisters of Cycadia! I hope you guys like these! If you're curious about the seventh Sister, check out my post on the Planera Siblings. Things might start to make a bit more sense ;)
Until next time, may you have all the luck in the stars!
~Theta/Thayer/TAS/Reynie/Being with No Name