[Image Description:
A scanned image of a traditional art piece made with inking pens and colored pencils. In the center of the drawing are two teenagers, one standing slightly in front of the other. The one standing in front is tall, with brown skin, brown eyes, and curly brown hair held up in a bun with a pencil. They're wearing a school uniform that consists of a light grey-blue button down dress shirt, a grey and green striped tie, a grey sweater vest with the school crest, black dress pants, and grey dress shoes. They have a determined expression on their face and they're standing protectively in front of the other person. The one behind them is wearing much more casual clothing, and is on their knees so we can only guess at their height. Their head comes up to their friend's shoulder from our point of view, however, so it looks like they may be taller. This person has brown skin, brown eyes, and curly black hair styled to stand up a little on their head. They are wearing a red hoodie, blue jeans, and green sneakers. There is a pair of black and grey headphones hanging around their neck. This person, in addition to kneeling on the floor, is surrounded by a dome like bubble that appears to be coming from the person protecting them, which the person being protected does not seem to be happy about. They have a terrified look on their face as they bang on the barrier with their fists and appear to be screaming at the person protecting them. Both people look to be teenagers. Surrounding the two teens are two mysterious figures in grey hooded cloaks. They have humanoid body shapes, but there are no other details about them, like eyes or hair. Instead, they seem to be made up of black void. One of the cloaked void people stands ominously behind the protective dome, their cloak flapping about behind them as though in a breeze. The second one is standing just to the right of the standing protective teenager, who seems to be sending them a look of "don't you dare even think about it". This person's cloak is hanging casually by their sides, and no breeze is making it move. There is a purple fireball in the hand of the second person. The library this scene takes place in is very tacky and very damaged, with a bright carpet made up of green, orange, and purple squares. There are bookshelves in the background, and the walls are made of tan cement. Part of the wall behind the flame holding figure has been smashed in, and there are chunks of wall on the floor, as well as the library's front door. Beyond that, you can see the steps leading up to the library and the metal railing for the stairs. The perspective of the piece is very off and slanted downward more than it should be, but is otherwise ok. End of image description]
This is a scene from the novel I started last month but barely wrote. Rainer's about to get Cursed to die for protecting their friend Dante. The colouring for this one is shoddy, as well as the depth perception, but I think I'm overall proud of how the people turned out???? I had to redraw it like twenty times though and I'm very glad I finished this wow.
A bit about this picture if you're interested....
Time taken: March 4, 2019 - March 15, 2019
Tools: BIC 0.5mm mechanical pencils, Crayola coloured pencils, rubber erasers, and inking pens
We already know about Rainer, and the Dark Council isn't terribly important in this so I'll just give you a brief description of the boy in the bubble. The boy's name is Dante, and he's the ultimate gay poet after Sappho. He and Rainer have been best friends since they were little, and their nickname for him is "the boy with the stars in his eyes". He was very supportive of Rainer when they came out, and helped them get his mom to stop hating them so much. Dante's also a Mage, who for the longest time worked for the Dark Council against his will. He tried to leave them, which they weren't happy about, so they tried to Curse him. Unfortunately Rainer got in the way and got Cursed instead so now we have a very sad, guilty gay poet who's trying to repair his friendship and save his best friend and only succeeds in one of those departments.
That's all for today! May you have all the luck in the stars!
Theta/TAS/Reynie/The Being with No Name