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The Planera Siblings. Or Most of Them, at Least

Writer: Thayer A. SerrennThayer A. Serrenn

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

I'm back after the catastrophe that was the last thing I posted here with some nice, easy to draw people. The Planera Siblings, to be specific. Here they are, in all their multicoloured glory!

[Image Description:

An image of a scanned sketchbook page art piece. There are several characters on the page, taking up most of the space on the page. On the very top of the page, where you can see the rings of the sketchbook binding, is a large blue dragon diving straight down. Underneath that in the very middle of the page is a humanoid creature hovering. They’re a short girl with reddish purple skin, orange eyes with snake pupils, large pointy ears, and a mop of curly brown hair. She has horns on her head, a long tail with a tuft of fur on the end, and large black bat wings. She’s wearing a green t-shirt, a red hoodie that says ‘Planera Bread’ on the front, black pants, and red sneakers. Her arms hang straight next to her as she hovers, and one leg bent behind the the other. She’s smiling with a mouth full of sharp teeth, looking down at one of the other people on the page. The person she is looking is a pale, pointy eared person with fangs that make them look like a vampire. They have shoulder length teal hair, green eyes with pink pupils, and are smiling back at the flying girl evilly. The teal haired person is wearing a grey button down dress shirt, a black and purple waist coat, black dress pants, and light brown dress shoes. There is a brown messenger bag slung over their right (from viewer POV) shoulder, and their left hand is resting on top of the bag while their right one hangs on the strap loosely. On the other side of the flying girl and on the same level as the teal haired kid is another person holding a potted plant in their arms. This person is green, with two feelers on top of xyr head and large black eyes. Xe has chin length purple petals for hair, and have a set of bug wings on xyr back. Xe’s wearing a black long sleeved dress with a blue skirt and triangles cut out of the sleeves and on a little bit of the chest. Xe is also wearing black leggings with similar triangular shapes cut into the legs and purple shoes. There is, as i mentioned, a flower pot in xyr hands with a singular rose growing out of it. Rose is written on the side of the pot.

End of Image Description]

We have Aster (the one with antennae) holding Rose (the one in the pot), AJ flying like she normally is, Rei looking fancy, and Kivan being a very impressive giant dragon. And they're labelled this time! Yay!!!

A bit about this, if by any chance at all you're interested....

Time Taken: February 26, 2019 - March 3, 2019

Tools:  Crayola coloured pencils, BIC mechanical pencils, inking pens, and a gel pen (for Rei's eyes, though you can't really tell in this)

Characters Featured:

The kiddos here are from a very weird project of mine called 'Confessions of a Villain's Henchperson'. A pretty self explanatory title, I should think. We don't have all of the Planera siblings here as the rest of them are still in R&D in terms of appearance, but these guys have developed pretty solid appearances by this point. 

Kivan is a Draconis, basically a fancy dragon with healing, very minor precognition powers, and is pretty good at sniffing out weak spots in the fabric of reality so AJ can open portals. He's blind, but somehow has a better sense of direction than AJ, but that isn't saying much because AJ could get lost in her own hoodie. Kivan is pretty close to his sibling Aster, because xe was the first person he met after being taken to the Planera Household.

Aster is.... Complicated... Uh.... Basically, xe's a mysterious species everyone in this story world call "Sky Beings", which are these weird, super powerful, god-like beings with the ability to create, destroy, and alter reality. Aster doesn't really know too much about xemself, the extent of xyr abilities, and xyr people, and that is completely by design for my complex, evil author plans. >:D

Rose is a venus fly trap-- if venus fly traps could move really fast, communicate telepathically, and hypnotize people. I'm not entirely sure why the Planera family has her other than as a back up plan/easy way to dispose of any bodies Rei can't use, but she's there. I'll figure it out though.

AJ! AJ is the best. She's a cinnamon roll, and is the sweetest person ever, and can't ever remember that there are such things as rooves, which is why you don't fly too high. AJ is a Kymra, which is basically a really weird combo of a bat, a snake, and a demon, though most people don't see it. My dad thought she was a vampire, actually. Totally not still salty about that. AJ probably has the Kymran version of ADHD because she literally can't stop moving, can't pay much attention to anything, and gets herself so lost it's unbelievable. You wouldn't think a being whose entire species exists to open interdimensional portals and explore and not get lost in the woods while hunting would have a terrible sense of direction, but AJ could get lost in her own hoodie so here we are. 

Now we have Reilenari. Uh. How about we go into the origins of the fashionable Necromancer Elf, that'll help me with describing them. Rei was born when I had this super weird dream that I was a Henchman for this villain, going around and doing evil stuff and making armies of the undead. You know, standard evil stuff. Then, once me, my seven siblings, and my master/mom had taken over the world, she betrayed us and tried to kill us. I was the only one left alive, dangling off a building, and me, being the stubborn kiddo I was who was angry about my siblings and being betrayed, dragged my mom off the building with me to our deaths. Then people started calling me a hero so I had to come back as a ghost and angrily explain "No, I'm not a hero, I was just mad my mom betrayed me-- sTOP MAKING ME A GOOD GUY, I'M VERY VERY EVIL." This is probably the best description of Rei and their personality that I can give you. Personally, Rei's top on my list of "Characters With Mysterious Brains I am Most Fascinated With". Believe it or not, it's a very long list. 

Anyway. That's all for my long annoying rambles and horrid art showing off for today I guess. See you next time, whenever that might be, and may you have all the luck in the stars!

~Theta/Thayer/TAS/Reynie/Being With No Name

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